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89 FR 2944

EPA adopted DOE’s electric vehicle charging stations categorical exclusion under NEPA.

89 FR 2603

DOE gave notice that the Environmental Management Advisory Board will be renewed for a two-year period beginning January 12, 2024.

89 FR 2214

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency adopted the Department of the Navy’s categorical exclusion under NEPA for the installation and operation of passive scientific measurement devices. 

89 FR 909

DOE announced the availability of final guidance setting forth the nonbinding process that the agency plans to generally follow to designate National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors pursuant to the Federal Power Act.

Juliana v. United States

A district court granted in part and denied in part the federal government's motion to dismiss a second amended complaint in an ongoing civil rights lawsuit brought by 21 young people. Plaintiffs argued the government promoted the exploitation of fossil fuels despite knowing its actions would signif...