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Chemical Mfrs. Ass'n v. Department of Transp.

The court holds that the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) acted within the scope of its discretion in issuing a regulation that established a rebuttable presumption that loose closures on railroad tank cars transporting hazardous materials result from the shipper's failure to conduct a proper...

Shell Oil Co. v. United States

The Court of Federal Claims awarded $84 million to four oil companies for costs they incurred cleaning up waste stemming from the production of aviation gasoline during World War II under contracts with the U.S. government. The government argued that the oil companies are not entitled to recover all...

Kennedy Bldg. Assocs. v. CBS Corp.

The Eighth Circuit affirmed a lower court order holding that a company substantially complied with a state's remediation plan for cleaning up PCB contamination at a hazardous waste site. The company's predecessor-in-interest operated an electrical transformer repair facility on the subject property,...

New Jersey v. Gloucester Envtl. Management Servs., Inc.

A district court denied New Jersey's motion to amend a 1997 consent decree concerning the Gloucester Environmental Management Services, Inc., landfill and ordered it to comply with the terms of the decree. The state alleged that the detection of the presence of radionuclides requires a new remedy fo...

Taylor v. Department of Labor

The court upholds the dismissal of individuals' employment retaliation suits against the state of Rhode Island and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management concerning potential Solid Waste Disposal Act violations. The state has not waived its right to sovereign immunity, and the U.S. ...

K-Y Enters., Ltd. Partnership v. Jester

A district court denied motions for summary judgment brought by the current or former owners of underground petroleum storage tanks who were sued under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) by the owner of neighboring property. The underground storage tank (UST) owners argued that ground...

Fisher v. Ciba Specialty Chems. Corp.

A district ruled on several pre-trial motions of both defendants and plaintiffs alleging property damage caused by a defendant's contamination at its nearby chemical manufacturing facility (a designated Superfund site), negligence, fraud, fraudulent concealment, strict liability, trespass, and civil...

West Virginia Highlands Conservancy v. Johnson

A district court dismissed environmental groups' claim that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has never undertaken the study of coal mining wastes requested by Congress and, accordingly, has failed to determine whether such wastes should be regulated as "hazardous" under Subtitle C of t...

Gould Inc. v. A&M Battery & Tire Serv.

The court holds in a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) §113 contribution action that plaintiff, the successor-owner/operator of a battery breaking facility, is liable for 75 percent of the cleanup costs and that defendant-battery suppliers are liable for...

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Co. v. Brown & Bryant, Inc.

The court holds that a company that purchased many of the assets of an agricultural chemical company is not liable as a successor-in-interest for contribution under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). The court first holds that state law dictates the p...