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Bitler Investments II, LLC v. Marathon Petroleum Co.

The Seventh Circuit held that a lower court should have awarded a real estate firm double damages for harm caused by an oil company during its attempt to clean up pollution at gas stations in Michigan the firm leased to it. The firm filed a breach of contract claim and a waste claim for eight sites ...

New York v. Solvent Chemical Co.

The Second Circuit affirmed in part, and vacated and remanded in part, a lower court's allocation of contribution costs in connection with the remediation of two Niagara Falls, New York, properties. Below, the lower court held a chemical manufacturer liable to a solvent company for contribution. On ...

United States v. Mountain State Carbon LLC

A district court held that "coke oven gas condensate" (COGC) is not a solid waste under RCRA. The case arose after the U.S. government filed suit against a coke production facility for RCRA and CAA violations. The government alleged that COGC at the facility displays the toxicity characteristic for ...

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection v. Beazer East, Inc.

The Third Circuit, in an unpublished opinion, affirmed a lower court decision dismissing as time barred a state environmental agency's CERCLA lawsuit seeking reimbursement of response costs incurred at a former landfill. The defendants argued that the agency's action at the site was a "removal" acti...

Wildearth Guardians v. Jewell

The D.C. Circuit affirmed the dismissal of environmental groups' lawsuit challenging BLM's decision to lease two tracts of land in the Wyoming Powder River Basin for coal mining. The groups argued that BLM failed to adequately consider several environmental concerns, including the increase in local ...

Thrun v. Cuomo

A New York appellate court dismissed New York residents' lawsuit challenging the state's enforcement of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program that targets emissions from electricity generating power plants in New York and six other states. The resident...

Meyer v. Constantinou

A New Jersey appellate court, in an unpublished opinion, affirmed a trial court decision dismissing without prejudice property owners' complaint alleging their property had been contaminated by chemicals discharged from a neighboring dry cleaning business. The New Jersey Environmental Rights Act all...

Banning, City of v. Dureau

A district court held that the owner of a vacant property is liable under CERCLA for the release of hazardous waste intentionally caused by trespassers. The owner, who left oil drums on the property, claimed she was entitled to the innocent landowner defense. But she failed to show by a preponderanc...