RENEW Wisconsin v. Public Service Comm'n of Wisconsin
A Wisconsin court remanded to the state utility commission two components of a 2013 order involving the state's distributed generation tariff for customer-owned generation, i.e., net metering customers. The tariff applies to customers who self-generate energy and compensates them for energy injected...
Harrison v. Cabot Oil & Gas Corp.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that oil and gas leases need not be extended where the lessor has pursued an unsuccessful lawsuit challenging the validity of the lease. An oil company that had been unsuccessfully sued by its lessor argued that it would be appropriate for the courts to award an e...
State ex rel. Morrison v. Beck Energy Corp.
The Ohio Supreme Court held that a city may not restrict oil and gas drilling within its borders. The city sought to enforce five local ordinances limiting drilling within its borders after an energy company had already obtained the necessary state permits. The ordinances, however, conflict with sta...
SWEPI, LP v. Mora County, New Mexico
A district court, in a 199-page opinion, struck down a local county ordinance banning oil-and-gas drilling, including hydraulic fracturing, within Mora County, New Mexico. Portions of the ordinance essentially provide that corporations have no federal constitutional rights. For example, the ordinanc...
United States v. Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co.
A district court dismissed EPA's lawsuit against an Oklahoma utility under the CAA alleging that it failed to properly project whether modifications made to two coal-fired power plants would result in an increase in emissions. The plants were constructed before Congress enacted the PSD program. As a...