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Nebraska v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

A district court dismissed Nebraska's lawsuit challenging EPA's proposed standards to limit carbon dioxide emissions from new or modified fossil fuel-fired electric utility generating units. As part of the proposed rule, EPA found that certain technology was "adequately demonstrated" for purposes of...

Boeing Co. v. Movassaghi

The Ninth Circuit invalidated a California law that prescribes cleanup standards for radioactive contamination at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, a former federal nuclear testing facility near Los Angeles. The law, Senate Bill 990, requires that the site be made suitable for subsistence farming, ...

New York State Electric & Gas Co. v. FirstEnergy Corp.

The Second Circuit affirmed in part and remanded in part a lower court decision holding the corporate successor to a utility's former parent company liable for a portion of costs incurred cleaning up coal tar contamination at manufactured gas plant sites in upstate New York. The lower court held the...

United States v. Coeur d'Alenes Co.

The Ninth Circuit upheld a consent decree under CERCLA requiring a PRP to pay $350,000, plus interest, in cleanup costs incurred at a former lead and silver mine site in Bonner County, Idaho. CERCLA authorizes the United States to settle with a PRP for an amount less than that PRP’s proportionate ...

PPL EnergyPlus, LLC v. Solomon

The Third Circuit struck down New Jersey's Long Term Capacity Pilot Program Act, which was enacted in 2011 to encourage the construction of new power plants within the state. The program, known as "LCAPP", would add a cumulative 2,000 megawatts of capacity to the regional power grid from which New J...