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Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit denied a petition to review EPA's 2023 regulations that imposed new reporting requirements on biogas producers. An industry group argued, among other things, that EPA had no authority to regulate biogas producers and that three categories in the regulations—those related to biogas...

West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency

In a per curiam order, the D.C. Circuit denied states' and industry groups' motions to stay EPA's rule aimed at reducing pollution from fossil fuel power plants. Petitioners argued EPA acted arbitrarily and capriciously in determining that carbon capture and other emission control technologies were ...

Swan View Coalition v. Haaland

A district court adopted in part, modified in part, and rejected in part a magistrate judge's findings and recommendations in a challenge to FWS' biological opinion (BiOp) for Flathead National Forest's 2018 revised land management plan. Environmental groups argued FWS and the Forest Service violate...