Bear Warriors United, Inc. v. Hamilton
A district court denied the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's (FDEP's) motion to dismiss a lawsuit concerning its alleged failure to appropriately regulate sewage discharge into a northern part of the Indian River Lagoon. A nonprofit group argued FDEP's insufficient regulation led to ...
Association of American Railroads v. Randolph
A district court denied industry groups' motion for summary judgment in a challenge to California's adoption of an emissions regulation for railroads operating within the state. The groups argued that the regulation, which would require companies to phase out locomotives that are more than 23 years ...
Alaska v. National Marine Fisheries Service
A district court granted the state of Alaska's request to set aside and enjoin NMFS' final rules designating critical habitat for the Beringia distinct population segment of the bearded seal and for the Arctic ringed seal. The state argued NMFS violated the ESA by failing to designate specific areas...