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United States v. Ameren Missouri

A district court partially dismissed EPA's lawsuit against an energy company for violating the CAA when it allegedly undertook major modifications at a coal-fired power plant in Festus, Missouri. EPA alleged that the company violated the Missouri SIP, the terms of its Title V permit, and the CAA...

In re United States

The Federal Circuit, in a case involving an electronics manufacturer's challenge to excise taxes on the use of ozone depleting chemicals (ODCs), reversed a lower court decision ordering the IRS to disclose to the manufacturer its excise tax audits of other companies. After paying the excise tax ...

Sierra Club v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

The Ninth Circuit held that EPA's approval of the 2004 SIP for the San Joaquin Valley nonattainment area for the one-hour ozone NAAQS was arbitrary and capricious. Although it approved the SIP in 2010, EPA's approval was based on data current only as of 2004. By approving the 2004 SIP despite kn...

Navistar v. Jackson

A district court dismissed an automobile engine manufacturer's lawsuit against EPA seeking to force the Agency to recall model year 2010 heavy-duty diesel engines equipped with liquid, urea-based selective catalyst reduction (SCR) technology for failing to comply with CAA emissions standards. Th...

Idaho Conservation League v. Atlanta Gold Corp.

A district court held that a mining company is liable for discharging arsenic and iron into a nearby creek in violation of its NPDES permit. The company did not deny or admit that it is in violation of its permit. Instead, it argued that the environmental group that filed suit against it lacked ...

Hearts Bluff Game Ranch, Inc. v. United States

The Federal Circuit affirmed a lower court decision dismissing a landowner's claim for just compensation under the Fifth Amendment for an alleged taking based on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' denial of the landowner's proposal to operate a mitigation bank on its property. A mitigation bankin...

Sierra Club v. Jackson

A district court vacated EPA's stay of two rules setting forth emission standards from boilers and commercial and industrial solid waste incineration units. EPA issued the rules on March 21, 2011, and shortly thereafter several parties filed petitions for review challenging the legal sufficiency of ...

Pacific Operators Offshore, LLP v. Valladolid

The U.S. Supreme Court held that the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) extends workers compensation coverage to an employee who can establish a substantial nexus between his injury and his employer's extractive operations on the outer continental shelf (OCS). The case arose after the emp...