Peters v. American Honda Motor Co.
A California court overturned a small claims court's grant of damages in favor of a woman who filed suit against an automobile manufacturer for making fraudulent claims about her hybrid car's fuel economy and performance. The manufacturer's fuel economy ratings were obtained using the test metho...
WildEarth Guardians v. Jackson
A district court held that EPA does not have a mandatory duty to review and, if necessary, promulgate new PSD rules for ozone simply because the NAAQS for ozone has been revised. The history of the CAA and its numerous amendments unambiguously demonstrates that Congress differentiated duties ste...
Florida Clean Water Network v. United States Environmental Protection Agency
A district court remanded to EPA its determination that several provisions of Florida's "impaired water rule" are not new or revised water quality standards and, thus, not subject to approval by the Agency. An environmental group argued that EPA's decision was arbitrary and capricious. In order ...
Sierra Club v. United States Environmental Protection Agency
A district court held that an environmental group may go forward with its CAA citizen suit against EPA for failing to promulgate by November 15, 2000, regulations to reduce hazardous air pollutant emissions created during the manufacturing of brick and structural clay products. EPA filed a motio...
United States v. Hampton Roads Sanitation Department
A district court held that a local sanitation department that owns and operates a complex sanitary sewer conveyance system and 13 wastewater treatment plants must pay penalties for the unintended discharge of sewage following heavy rainfall in the spring of 2010. The department previously entere...
United States v. Wilmoth
The Eleventh Circuit upheld a restaurant manager's conviction for conspiring to illegally dump restaurant grease into U.S. waters in violation of the CWA. The evidence was easily sufficient to sustain a finding that he conspired to intentionally violate the CWA. He was the supervisor of four res...
Louisiana Environmental Action Network v. City of Baton Rouge
The Fifth Circuit reversed and remanded a lower court decision dismissing an environmental group's CWA action against a city for violations at its wastewater treatment plants. The lower court erred in ruling that a 2002 consent decree between the city and the U.S. government requiring the city t...