Center for Biological Diversity v. Raimondo
A district court granted summary judgment for conservation groups in a challenge to NMFS' 2021 issuance of a biological opinion (BiOp) and final rule concerning lobster fishing gear requirements and the endangered North Atlantic right whale. The groups argued the BiOp violated the ESA by allowing fo...
District 4 Lodge of the International Ass'n of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local Lodge 207 v. Raimondo
The First Circuit vacated a district court order preliminarily enjoining NOAA's partial seasonal closure of a Maine lobster fishery to protect endangered North Atlantic right whales. A fishing union argued the closure was an arbitrary and capricious application of the Marine Mammal Protection Act, a...
American Forest Resource Council v. Williams
A district court dismissed a challenge to FWS rules delaying the effective date of a January 2021 rule that designated portions of Washington, Oregon, and California as critical habitat for the northern spotted owl. A trade group and counties throughout the Pacific Northwest sought to vacate the "de...
Center for Biological Diversity v. Haaland
A district court vacated a series of regulations enacted in 2019 that modified how FWS and NMFS implement the ESA. Environmental groups, states, and cities argued the regulations violated the ESA, the APA, and NEPA. FWS and NMFS moved to remand without vacatur, arguing vacatur would cause confusion ...
Honolulu, City & County of v. Sunoco LP
The Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court order remanding to state court two climate liability suits against numerous oil and gas companies. The city and county of Honolulu and the county of Maui sued in state court, arguing the companies knew about climate change, understood the harms that energy...
West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency
The U.S. Supreme Court held, 6-3, that President Barack Obama's EPA had exceeded its statutory authority under §111(d) of the CAA when it promulgated the Clean Power Plan to address carbon dioxide pollution from existing power plants. States and coal companies had petitioned for review of the plan,...