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Friends of Animals v. Williams

A district court remanded a lawsuit challenging FWS’ decision to downgrade a rare species of parrot from endangered to threatened and to issue a §4(d) rule under the ESA allowing for limited import and export of the bird without an ESA permit. An animal advocacy group sought vacatur, arguing FWS�...

Rising Tides-Toward a Federal Climate Resilience Fund

Climate impacts in the United States disproportionately fall on low-income communities and communities of color. As the costs of climate adaptation mount, municipalities and states have brought litigation against fossil fuel companies to recover for extensive damage caused by climate change. Drawing on lessons from previous tobacco and asbestos suits, this Article argues that damages litigation—while properly heard in state courts—has significant shortcomings as an equitable climate change adaptation strategy.

Hoboken v. Chevron Corp.

The Third Circuit affirmed two district courts' orders remanding back to start court two climate liability suits bought against oil companies. Delaware and the city of Hoboken sued the companies in state court for state-law torts. The companies removed the suits to federal court, arguing removal was...

Cascadia Wildlands v. Scott Timber Co.

A district court on remand granted environmental groups' request for a permanent injunction in an ESA citizen suit concerning a logging project on private land in Oregon. In initial proceedings, the groups sought a preliminary injunction, arguing the project would result in the taking of marbled mur...