Local Solutions to the Global Crisis: A Guide to Climate-Resilient Development
In February 2022, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) promulgated climate-resilient development (CRD), which combines adaptation and mitigation as a principal strategy for managing climate change. This Article discusses local land use law in the context of CRD and provides a methodology for identifying and evaluating strategies that address the global climate crisis at the local level. Local governments have the power to integrate land use strategies that include CRD components, and the IPCC identified these strategies as effective tools for implementing CRD.
Annapolis, Maryland v. BP P.L.C.
A district court remanded back to state court two climate liability suits brought against oil companies. A city and county in Maryland had sued the companies in state court, alleging they concealed climate-related harms caused by fossil fuels. The companies removed the suits to federal court based o...
San Luis Obispo Coastkeeper v. Santa Maria Valley Water Conservation District
The Ninth Circuit, 2-1, reversed summary judgment for the Bureau of Reclamation and Santa Maria Water District in a lawsuit concerning the endangered Southern California steelhead. Environmental groups argued the agencies' operation of a dam in the Santa Maria River watershed interfered with the ste...