Exxon Mobil Corp. v. Schneiderman
A district court dismissed an oil company's lawsuit seeking to stop the New York and Massachusetts Attorneys General (AGs) from investigating whether the company misled investors and the public about its knowledge of climate change and the potential effects that climate change may have on its busine...
Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste v. Pruitt
A district court held that EPA violated the APA by failing to provide notice and opportunity to comment before delaying the effective date of a January 2017 rule concerning the certification and use of “restricted use pesticides." The rule, which was to go into effect on March 6, 2017, established...
Environmental Working Group v. United States Food & Drug Administration
A district court dismissed environmental groups' lawsuit against the FDA concerning the use of formaldehyde and formaldehyde-producing chemicals in hair-straightening products. The groups petitioned the FDA to investigate deceptive labeling of such products, require appropriate labeling, and conside...
Western Organization of Resource Councils v. U.S. Bureau of Land Management
A district court held that BLM violated NEPA by failing to adequately consider climate change in the resource management plans (RMPs) for Buffalo, Wyoming, and Miles City, Montana, both located within the coal-rich Powder River Basin. BLM's EISs failed to consider any alternative that would decrease...
County of San Mateo v. Chevron Corp.
A district court granted California cities' motions to remand their climate change tort actions against oil and gas companies back to state court. Although their state law claims raise national and perhaps global questions, they should not have been removed to federal court. Removal based on federal...
National Ass'n of Wheat Growers v. Zeise
A district court issued a preliminary injunction enjoining California from enforcing Proposition 65’s carcinogenicity warning requirement for glyphosate. On the evidence before the court, the required warning for glyphosate does not appear to be factually accurate and uncontroversial because it co...