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Center for Biological Diversity v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

In an unpublished opinion, the Ninth Circuit granted in part environmental groups' petition to review EPA's registration of a new fungicide called inpyrfluxam. The groups argued EPA failed to make an effects determination under §7(a)(2) of the ESA and to consult with federal wildlife agencies, and ...

Honolulu, City & County of v. Sunoco LP

The Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court order remanding to state court two climate liability suits against numerous oil and gas companies. The city and county of Honolulu and the county of Maui sued in state court, arguing the companies knew about climate change, understood the harms that energy...

West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency

The U.S. Supreme Court held, 6-3, that President Barack Obama's EPA had exceeded its statutory authority under §111(d) of the CAA when it promulgated the Clean Power Plan to address carbon dioxide pollution from existing power plants. States and coal companies had petitioned for review of the plan,...

Natural Resources Defense Council v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The Ninth Circuit granted in part and denied in part a petition to review EPA's determination that glyphosate did not pose "any unreasonable risk to man or the environment." Nonprofit groups challenged the Agency's determination, arguing that EPA did not adequately consider whether the weedkiller ca...