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Anticipating and Preparing for Climate Change

In 4°C, Ruhl and Craig acknowledge that the Earth’s climate is changing at an increasingly rapid rate, outside the range to which society has adapted in the past. Realistically, achieving the goal set in the 2015 Paris Agreement of limiting global warming to 1.5°C will be almost unattainable without drastic actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Accelerating ice loss and expanding wildfire zones are potential markers of what are known as tipping points—thresholds along a nonlinear pattern of system change that accelerate the pace of change. Scientists are concerned that our global climate system is dangerously close to passing these points. This trend has significant implications for governance and law. Climate change disruptions will extend beyond biophysical systems to social systems, including systems of governance.

Carson v. Monsanto Co.

In an en banc decision, the Eleventh Circuit vacated a panel opinion in a lawsuit concerning a Georgia resident's cancer following decades of using a weedkiller containing glyphosate. The resident argued the weedkiller's manufacturer knew or should have known its product was carcinogenic, but failed...

Charleston, City of v. Brabham Oil Co.

A district court granted the city of Charleston's motion to remand to state court its lawsuit against fossil fuel companies for allegedly contributing to climate change by producing and selling fossil fuel products while deceiving consumers and the public about the dangers associated with them. The ...

Judicial Remedies for Climate Disruption

This Article, adapted from the Climate Science and Law for Judges Curriculum, examines the status and viability of judicial remedies in climate change litigation. It focuses on climate cases that are seeking science-based remedies specifically related to climate mitigation (actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or draw down atmospheric carbon) and climate-change adaptation (actions to reduce the negative impacts of climate disruption on human and natural communities).