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WildEarth Guardians v. Jackson

A district court held that EPA does not have a mandatory duty to review and, if necessary, promulgate new PSD rules for ozone simply because the NAAQS for ozone has been revised. The history of the CAA and its numerous amendments unambiguously demonstrates that Congress differentiated duties ste...

Sierra Club v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

A district court held that an environmental group may go forward with its CAA citizen suit against EPA for failing to promulgate by November 15, 2000, regulations to reduce hazardous air pollutant emissions created during the manufacturing of brick and structural clay products. EPA filed a motio...

AES Corp. v. Steadfast Insurance Co.

The Virginia Supreme Court, upon rehearing a case, once again held that under Virginia law, an insurer has no duty to defend or indemnify an energy company in an underlying lawsuit brought by a native Alaskan village for damages allegedly caused by global warming through the emission of greenhou...

Luminant Generation Co. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

The Fifth Circuit vacated EPA's disapproval of three Texas regulations that provide for a standardized permit for minor new source review (NSR) pollution control projects that reduce or maintain current emissions rates. EPA had no legal basis on which to disapprove the permit. EPA used Texas law...

Comer v. Murphy Oil USA, Inc.

A district court held that the doctrines of res judicata and collateral estoppel bar individuals' trespass, nuisance, and negligence claims against numerous oil, coal, electric, and chemical companies for damages stemming from Hurricane Katrina. The individuals asserted that the companies' activitie...

ATK Launch Systems, Inc. v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit upheld EPA's rule designating certain areas in Utah as nonattainment for the 2006 24-hour fine particulate matter (PM2.5) standard. Petitioners—two counties, three cities, and an aerospace and defense company—challenged the inclusion of parts of Tooele and Box Elder Counties wit...