United States Sugar Corp. v. Environmental Protection Agency
In a per curiam opinion, the D.C. Circuit granted industry groups' petitions and denied environmental groups' petition to review EPA's application of a 2022 rule that classified industrial boilers built after 2010 as "new" rather than "existing" sources of hazardous air pollutants. The industry grou...
Sea-Level Change Science for Decisionmakers
Among the many detrimental impacts from climate change, sea-level rise is one of the most damaging, costly, and devastating. Sea-level change poses particular challenges for coastal communities, and is becoming more prevalent in environmental law. Existing scientific literature about how sea-level change works can often be inaccessible to the people that need it. In addition, each coastal community experiences a unique combination of global, regional, and local factors that define sea-level change.
Coastal Migration With Dignity: Safeguards for Vulnerable Communities
Sea-level rise is a common denominator that prompts two related but distinct types of coastal migration: (1) wealthy coastal communities that retreat inland to ensure their physical and economic security while encroaching on the neighborhoods of existing vulnerable communities; and (2) vulnerable Native Alaskan communities that relocate inland to ensure their survival while striving to retain their cultural identity.
Climate Migration as Climate Resilience: A Case Study of Orlando, Florida
As the United States and the global community figure out how to address climate migration, local governments can and have already been preparing for it. Planning for climate migrants is a part of climate resilience. This Comment calls on local governments, community groups, and individuals to make a stand for how their communities will address climate change, focusing on climate migration. Local governments have tremendous power when it comes to future development.
Sinclair Wyoming Refining Co. LLC v. Environmental Protection Agency
In a per curiam opinion, the D.C. Circuit dismissed in part and denied in part challenges to EPA's 2022 denial of pending Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) exemption petitions filed by small refineries. EPA had determined the only costs relevant to showing economic hardship were those caused by complian...
Huntsman Petrochemical LLC v. Environmental Protection Agency
The D.C. Circuit denied a chemical manufacturer's and two trade groups' petitions to review EPA's 2020 rule regulating emissions from miscellaneous organic chemical manufacturing facilities. The petitioners challenged EPA's assessment of cancer risk from exposure to ethylene oxide emissions. The cou...