Wild Virginia v. Council on Environmental Quality
A district court dismissed a challenge to CEQ's adoption of revised regulations implementing NEPA following an allegedly defective notice-and-comment process. Conservation groups argued the revised regulations harmed them or will harm them by making it more difficult and likely more expensive for th...
Living Rivers v. Hoffman
A district court dismissed a lawsuit concerning BLM's suspension of oil and gas leases sold in Utah in 2018. Environmental groups argued BLM violated NEPA by failing to prepare an EIS prior to suspending the leases. BLM moved to dismiss, arguing the groups lacked standing because the suspensions wer...
Food & Water Watch v. United States Department of Agriculture
The D.C. Circuit vacated a district court's grant of summary judgment to USDA's Farm Service Agency in a lawsuit concerning the agency's loan approval for a chicken farm in Maryland. An environmental group argued the EA made in connection with the loan approval violated NEPA, and that the EA should ...
Citizens for Clean Energy v. U.S. Department of the Interior
A district court denied BLM's motion to stay a challenge to a former Secretary of the Interior's order lifting a moratorium on coal leasing. States, environmental groups, and a Native American tribe had challenged the adequacy of BLM's final EA and FONSI in support of its decision to reinstate the l...
Western Watersheds Project v. Bernhardt
A district court remanded without vacatur oil and gas lease sales approved by BLM in greater sage-grouse habitat in Montana and Wyoming. Conservation groups argued BLM violated NEPA by failing to consider their proposed alternative of deferring priority sage-grouse habitat and failing to take a "har...