The Impact of Climate Change on American and Canadian Indigenous Peoples and Their Water Resources
Access to water is a fundamental climate change issue in North America and internationally. It is related to significant political, social, and ecological struggles that indigenous peoples face, and governments and courts so far have done little to address these inequities.
Planning for the Effects of Climate Change on Natural Resources
Climate change has important implications for the management and conservation of natural resources and public lands. The federal agencies responsible for managing these resources have generally recognized that considerations pertaining to climate change adaptation should be incorporated into existing planning processes, yet this topic is still treated as an afterthought in many planning documents. Only a few federal agencies have published guidance on how managers should consider climate change impacts and their management implications.
Coalition of Concerned Citizens v. Federal Transit Authority
The Tenth Circuit affirmed a district court ruling denying business owners’ motion to preliminary enjoin the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, from proceeding with construction of a rapid transit bus system due to alleged NEPA and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) violations. The business o...
Competitive Enterprise Institute v. Mann
The D.C. Circuit affirmed in part a lower court's decision that a climate scientist may go forward with his defamation suit against two journalists for writing articles that criticized his conclusions about climate change and accused him of deception and academic and scientific misconduct. The journ...
Sierra Club v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
The D.C. Circuit, in an unpublished opinion, denied an environmental group's petition for review challenging FERC's approval of a proposed liquefied natural gas project in Texas. The group argued that FERC violated NEPA in its consideration of the projects’ indirect and cumulative effects. But as ...