Tohono O'odham Nation v. United States Department of Interior
A district court granted BLM's motion to dismiss tribes' and environmental groups' challenge to the Bureau's approval of a 550-mile transmission line route through the San Pedro Valley. Plaintiffs argued BLM violated the National Historic Preservation Act by failing to identify the San Pedro Valley ...
New York, City of v. Exxon Mobil Corp.
A district court granted New York City's motion to remand to state court a climate deception lawsuit brought against fossil fuel companies. The city initially sued the companies in state court, arguing they violated the city's consumer protection law by misleading consumers about the impact of their...
Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow v. United States Department of the Interior
A district court denied policy groups' request to preliminarily enjoin construction of a wind energy project off the coast of Virginia. The groups argued the project should be enjoined until NMFS updates its biological opinion to include an analysis of the cumulative effects of other offshore wind p...
G.B. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency
A district court granted EPA's motion to dismiss for lack of redressability a climate liability lawsuit brought by a group of minors in California. The plaintiffs argued EPA violated their constitutional rights by intentionally allowing dangerous levels of pollution to enter the atmosphere from sour...
Texas v. Securities and Exchange Commission
The Fifth Circuit dismissed for lack of standing four states' challenge to the Securities and Exchange Commission's final rule requiring funds to disclose their votes on environmental, social, and governance matters. Texas, Louisiana, Utah, and West Virginia argued they had suffered injury as invest...