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88 FR 34800

FWS proposed to list the Sira curassow and southern helmeted curassow as endangered under the ESA.

88 FR 34852

EPA made available for comment the draft document Draft Policy Assessment for the Review of the Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Oxides of Nitrogen, Oxides of Sulfur and Particulate Matter – External Review Draft, prepared as part of the current review of the secondary NAAQS for nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and particulate matter.

88 FR 34448

SIP Approval: Illinois (second maintenance plan for the 1997 ozone NAAQS through 2032 in the St. Louis, MO-IL area).

88 FR 34449

SIP Approval: Ohio (revisions to sulfur dioxide regulations).

88 FR 34419

DOE issued an interim final rule establishing regulations necessary to implement the Energy Implementation Reinvestment Program and other categories of projects authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for Energy Policy Act Title XVII loan guarantees; revising provisions directly related to DOE’s implementation of the Title XVII Loan Guarantee Program as expanded by the IRA; amending provisions to conform with the broader changes to the program; and revising certain sections for clarity and organization.

88 FR 34151

EPA proposed to enter into 49 individual settlements with 53 parties under CERCLA to address recovery of costs for a cleanup that was performed at the Bennett Landfill Fire site in Chester, South Carolina.

88 FR 34093

EPA found that California failed to submit SIP elements to implement the 2012 fine particulate matter NAAQS in the Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin.

88 FR 34171

FEMA seeks input on implementation of the Community Disaster Resilience Zones Act of 2022, including updates to the methodology and data used for the National Risk Index and any other hazard assessment products; potential improvements to FEMA’s provision of hazard data; the process used to designate community disaster resilience zones; financial and technical assistance for resilience or mitigation projects primarily benefitting community disaster resilience zones; and the community disaster resilience zone project application and certification process.

88 FR 34091

SIP Approval: Idaho (state board composition requirements).

88 FR 34100

EPA proposed amendments to the new chemicals procedural regulations under TSCA; the amendments would reduce the need to redo all or part of the risk assessment by improving information initially submitted in new chemicals notices, as well as revise the regulations for low volume exemptions and low release and exposure exemptions, which include requiring EPA approval of an exemption notice prior to commencement of manufacture, making per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances categorically ineligible for these exemptions, and providing that certain persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic chemical substances are ineligible for these exemptions.