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88 FR 39424

EPA seeks comment on the draft Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) Guidelines for Planning and Problem Formulation, which describe steps for the planning and problem formulation of CRAs and offer guidelines for when they could be appropriate.

88 FR 39182

SIP Approval: California (limited approval and limited disapproval of revision concerning nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary gas turbines).

88 FR 39179

SIP Approval: California (disapproval of contingency measure requirements for the 2008 ozone NAAQS).

88 FR 39177

SIP Approval: Idaho (removal of inspection and maintenance program).

88 FR 39210

SIP Proposal: Washington (revisions concerning excess emissions during startup, shutdown, and malfunction events).

88 FR 38754

SIP Approval: Nevada (approval, partial approval and partial disapproval, and limited disapproval of revisions concerning Clark County Department of Environment and Sustainability's general definitions rule and new source review permitting program for new and modified sources).

88 FR 38861

EPA announced a proposed consent decree that resolves Center for Food Safety v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, No. 4:22-cv-6001-JST (N.D. Cal.), alleging the Agency unreasonably delayed responding to a petition for rulemaking, submitted to EPA on or around July 10, 2017, relating to the revision of testing requirements of pesticides prior to registration.

88 FR 38859

EPA entered into a proposed consent decree under the CAA in East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice v. EPA, No. 22-cv-0094 (D.D.C.), that would establish deadlines for the Agency to issue proposed and final rulemakings to review and, if necessary, revise emissions standards for large municipal solid waste incinerators.

88 FR 38507

EPA entered into a proposed consent decree under the CAA in Environmental Defense Fund v. EPA, No. 3:22-cv-7731-WHO (N.D. Cal.), that would establish deadlines for the Agency to sign a proposed and final rule in connection with its alleged failure to perform its non-discretionary duty to “review and, if appropriate, revise” new source performance standard emission limits for new stationary combustion turbines, at least every eight years.

88 FR 38448

SIP Proposal: Louisiana (disapproval of revisions concerning excess emissions during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction).