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88 FR 42642

FWS revised the regulations concerning experimental populations of endangered and threatened species under the ESA, by removing language generally restricting the introduction of experimental populations to only the species' "historical range" to allow for the introduction of populations into habitat outside of their historical range for conservation purposes.

88 FR 42718

EPA designated one new equivalent method for measuring concentrations of particulate matter in ambient air.

88 FR 42640

SIP Approval: Missouri (partial approval and partial disapproval of revision to sulfur dioxide control requirements for Lake Road generating facility).

88 FR 42621

SIP Approval: California (approval, limited approval, and limited disapproval of revisions to new source review permitting program for new and modified sources of air pollution in the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District).

88 FR 42287

The Natural Resources Conservation Service proposed and seeks comment on changes to certain conservation practice standards in the National Handbook of Conservation Practices.

88 FR 42258

SIP Approval: California (approval, limited approval, and limited disapproval of revisions to new source review permitting program for new and modified sources of air pollution).

88 FR 42252

SIP Approval: California (partial approval and partial disapproval of revision to reasonably available control technology requirements for the 2008 eight-hour ozone NAAQS in the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District).

88 FR 42248

SIP Approval: California (partial approval and partial disapproval of revision to reasonably available control technology requirements and negative declarations for the 2008 eight-hour ozone NAAQS in the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District).

88 FR 42136

DOI, acting through the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, proposed to modify its criteria for determining whether oil, gas, and sulfur lessees, right-of-use and easement grant holders, and pipeline right-of-way grant holders may be required to provide bonds or other financial assurance above the current regulatorily prescribed base bonds to ensure compliance with their Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act obligations.

88 FR 42030

SIP Approval: Missouri (confidential information).