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88 FR 43440

SIP Approval: Ohio (revisions to volatile organic compounds control rules).

88 FR 43434

SIP Approval: California (limited approval and limited disapproval of new source review permitting program for new and modified sources of air pollution in the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District).

88 FR 43309

NOAA revised its Consultation Handbook describing procedures for government-to-government consultation with federally recognized Indian tribes, and updated an associated NOAA Administrative Order (NAO 218-8) and the Indigenous Knowledge guidance.

88 FR 43308

NMFS announced its intent to conduct five-year reviews for black abalone and white abalone and requested the submission of scientific and commercial data that has become available since the last review of the species.

88 FR 43259

EPA proposed to approve delegation of authority to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services for implementing and enforcing the Federal Plan Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills That Commenced Construction On or Before July 17, 2014 and Have Not Been Modified or Reconstructed Since July 17, 2014 under the CAA.

88 FR 43137

United States v. Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority, No. 3:15-CV-02283 (D.P.R. June 29, 2023). Under a proposed modification to a consent decree, a settling CWA defendant is granted a deadline extension on implementing projects to address wastewater discharges from drinking water treatment plants.

88 FR 42933

EPA seeks comment on applications from Ford Motor Company for off-cycle carbon dioxide credits under the Agency's light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas emissions standards.

88 FR 42900

SIP Proposal: Ohio (limited maintenance plans addressing second ten-year maintenance periods for fine particulate matter for the Canton-Massillon, Cleveland-Akron-Lorain, and Steubenville-Weirton areas).

88 FR 42716

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on the “Examination of Microcosm/Mesocosm Studies for Evaluating the Effects of Atrazine on Aquatic Plant Communities” that is being submitted to the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel for peer review.

88 FR 42661

FWS proposed to list the dunes sagebrush lizard as an endangered species under the ESA.