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88 FR 44707

SIP Approval: California (second 10-year maintenance plan for the Coso Junction particulate matter planning area).

88 FR 44702

SIP Approval: South Carolina (update to materials incorporated by reference).

88 FR 44405

United States v. Massachusetts Electric Co., No. 1:23- cv-11524 (D. Mass. July 7, 2023). A settling CERCLA defendant must provide $5.38 million to federal and state natural resources trustees to undertake habitat restoration work in the coastal area in the vicinity of the former Gloucester Gas Light Company Manufactured Gas Plant in Gloucester, Massachusetts, for damages relating to the release of hazardous substances to soils, sediments, groundwater, and surface water from the plant.

88 FR 44237

SIP Proposal: Pennsylvania (second 10-year particulate matter limited maintenance plan for the Liberty Borough area). 

88 FR 44220

EPA corrected the production baseline to reflect corrected calculations for the phasedown of hydrofluorocarbons pursuant to the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act.

88 FR 44251

USDA, on behalf of the Administration’s Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Measurement Interagency Working Group (GHG IWG), seeks comment on the draft interagency report entitled, Federal Strategy to Advance Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Monitoring for the Agriculture and Forest Sectors (Strategy), to inform the GHG IWG, and agencies' planning and implementation of an agriculture and forestry monitoring, measurement, reporting, and verification framework and near-term activities.

88 FR 44468

EPA established applicable volumes and percentage standards for cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel, and total renewable fuel for the 2023 through 2025 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), and made several regulatory changes to the RFS program, including changes related to the treatment of biogas and other modifications to improve the program’s implementation.

88 FR 44155

United States v. Sandy, Oregon, City of, No. 23-cv-968 (D. Or. June 30, 2023). A settling CWA defendant must perform injunctive relief measures to ensure future compliance, pay a penalty of $250,000 to the United States, pay a penalty of $50,000 to the state of Oregon, and perform a state supplemental environmental project valued at $200,000 for failing to comply with the requirements of its NPDES permits.

88 FR 43562

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on the "2023 Draft Supplement to the 1,4-Dioxane Risk Evaluation'' prepared under TSCA that is being submitted to the Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals for peer review.

88 FR 43483

SIP Proposal: New Hampshire (revisions concerning reasonably available control technology requirements for the 2008 and 2015 ozone NAAQS).