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88 FR 51352

United States v. Belle Fourche Pipeline Co., No. 22-00089-DLH-CRH and United States v. Bridger Pipeline LLC, No. 22-00043-BLG-SPW (D.N.D. July 31, 2023). Under a proposed partial consent decree, settling CWA defendants must perform injunctive relief and pay a $12,500,000 civil penalty for violations arising from pipeline failures that resulted in discharges of oil into an unnamed tributary to Ash Coulee Creek and the Yellowstone River.

88 FR 51333

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation adopted its Policy Statement on Climate Change and Historic Preservation.

88 FR 51309

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on the document entitled “White Paper: Quantitative Human Health Approach to be Applied in the Risk Evaluation for Asbestos Part 2—Supplemental Evaluation including Legacy Uses and Associated Disposals of Asbestos” and related charge questions.

88 FR 51672

DOD, the General Services Administration, and NASA proposed to amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation to restructure and update the regulations to focus on current environmental and sustainability matters and to implement a requirement for agencies to procure sustainable products and services to the maximum extent practicable.

88 FR 50912

The Office of Management and Budget seeks comment on proposed guidance for assessing changes in environmental and ecosystem services in benefit-cost analysis.

88 FR 50770

SIP Approval: Georgia (revisions to Stage I vapor recovery rules).

88 FR 50773

SIP Approval: North Carolina (update to materials incorporated by reference).

88 FR 50177

United States v. Jackson, Mississippi, City of, No. 3:12-cv-790-HTW-LGI (S.D. Miss. July 26, 2023). A proposed stipulated order under the CWA places the operation of the sewer system of the City of Jackson, Mississippi, under the control of an interim third-party manager and requires the manager to perform substantial work, including addressing more than 200 emergency sewer failure locations, addressing prohibited bypasses of treatment prior to discharging wastewater into the Pearl River, and implementing management, operations, and maintenance programs.

88 FR 50149

EPA Region 8 entered into a proposed administrative settlement agreement concerning the Central City/Clear Creek Superfund site in Clear Creek County, Colorado.

88 FR 50444

EPA proposed to lower the dust-lead hazard standards from ten micrograms per square foot (µg/ft2) and 100 µg/ft2 for floors and window sills to any reportable level as analyzed by a laboratory recognized by the Agency's National Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program in accordance with a 2021 Ninth Circuit opinion.