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88 FR 55220

EPA proposed to deny the Alabama Department of Environmental Management’s application for approval of the Alabama coal combustion residuals permit program.

88 FR 54983

SIP Proposal: New Jersey (redesignation request and limited maintenance plan for the New Jersey portion of the Northeast Pennsylvania-Upper Delaware Valley Interstate Air Quality Control Region from nonattainment to attainment for the 1971 sulfur dioxide NAAQS).

88 FR 54975

SIP Proposal: Colorado (approval of enhanced monitoring element for the Denver Metro/North Front Range 2008 eight-hour ozone nonattainment area, and disapproval of contingency measure element and certain reasonably available control technology submittals).

88 FR 54998

SIP Proposal: Wyoming (interstate transport requirements for the 2015 eight-hour ozone NAAQS).

88 FR 55276

EPA proposed comprehensive revision to the regulations governing CWA §404 tribal and state programs.

88 FR 54608

DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management requests information regarding the launch of its “Responsible Carbon Management Initiative” to recognize and encourage project developers and others in industry to pursue the highest levels of safety, environmental stewardship, accountability, community engagement, and societal benefits in carbon management projects.

88 FR 54534

SIP Proposal: Florida (removal of Clean Air Interstate Rule and several reasonably available control technology rules for particulate matter).

88 FR 54537

EPA solicited information to assist in the potential development of non-regulatory and regulatory options to ensure the proper management of used industrial containers that held hazardous chemicals or hazardous waste, up to and including the drum reconditioning process.

88 FR 54548

FWS proposed to remove the Apache trout from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife due to recovery.

88 FR 54257

SIP Proposal: California (revisions related to excess emissions during startup, shutdown, and malfunction events in the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District).