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88 FR 55429

EPA proposed to authorize changes to New Hampshire’s hazardous waste management program under RCRA.

88 FR 55377

SIP Approval: California (revisions to nonattainment new source review requirements for the 2015 eight-hour ozone NAAQS in the South Coast Air Quality Management District, Imperial County Air Pollution Control District, and Ventura County Air Pollution Control District).

88 FR 55383

SIP Approval: Illinois (emissions inventory requirements for the Chicago and Metro-East nonattainment areas for the 2015 ozone NAAQS).

88 FR 55428

SIP Proposal: Illinois (emissions inventory requirements for the Chicago and Metro-East nonattainment areas for the 2015 ozone NAAQS).

88 FR 55379

SIP Approval: Texas (reasonably available control technology requirements for the Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria nonattainment areas for the 2008 eight-hour ozone NAAQS).

88 FR 55394

EPA authorized changes to Montana’s hazardous waste management program under RCRA.

88 FR 55429

EPA proposed to authorize changes to Montana’s hazardous waste management program under RCRA.

88 FR 55431

NOAA proposed protective regulations for the Banggai cardinalfish under ESA §9.

88 FR 54996

SIP Proposal: Ohio (source-specific limitation for certain process lines at Forest City Technologies, Plant 4, in Wellington, Ohio).

88 FR 55077

United States v. Mewbourne Oil Co., No. 23-cv-00654 (D.N.M. Aug. 8, 2023). A settling CAA defendant that failed to (1) comply with requirements of the federal New Source Performance Standards;, (2) submit a notice of intent and register for the New Mexico Environmental Department’s Air Quality Bureau general construction permit (GCP) for oil and gas facilities; (3) apply for a Title V operating permit; and (4) operate in accordance with provisions of the GCP and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Permit by Rule must pay a $5,500,000 civil penalty and spend at least $1,000,000 on a project to offset excess emissions resulting from the violations.