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88 FR 56019

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement agreement under CERCLA and RCRA with El Monte SS Properties, LLC, that would require the settling party to perform a removal action and pay response costs associated with the San Gabriel Valley Superfund site in El Monte, California.

88 FR 55962

FWS proposed to list the Texas kangaroo rat as an endangered species and designate critical habitat under the ESA. 

88 FR 56128

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration proposed new fuel economy standards for passenger cars and light trucks and fuel efficiency standards for model years 2027-31, new fuel efficiency standards for heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans for model years 2030-35, and augural standards for model year 2032 passenger cars and light trucks. 

88 FR 55826

DOE proposed to amend its regulations for the timely coordination of federal authorizations for proposed interstate electric transmission facilities pursuant to the Federal Power Act.

88 FR 55610

EPA supplemented proposed revisions to Louisiana's Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program to approve a revision to the state's SDWA §1422 UIC program to include Class VI injection well primary enforcement responsibility.

88 FR 55690

EPA approved revisions to Nevada's state primacy program under the SDWA that adopted regulations effectuating the Federal Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule.

88 FR 55576

SIP Approval: New Jersey (revisions to 2017 calendar year ozone precursor emission inventory for volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide for the Northern New Jersey portion of the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island NY-NJ-CT ozone nonattainment area and the Southern New Jersey portion of the Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE ozone nonattainment area).

88 FR 55858

EPA proposed amendments to NESHAPs for coke ovens: pushing, quenching, and battery stacks, and for coke oven batteries.

88 FR 55331

The president issued Proclamation No. 10606 of August 8, 2023, establishing the Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni-Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument.

88 FR 55387

EPA authorized changes to New Hampshire’s hazardous waste management program under RCRA.