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88 FR 57046

FWS proposed to list the toothless blindcat and the widemouth blindcat as endangered species under the ESA.

88 FR 57292

FWS proposed to list the Brawleys Fork crayfish as a threatened species under the ESA, and to designate approximately 86.6 river miles in Tennessee as critical habitat for the species.

88 FR 57020

SIP Proposal: Virginia (second maintenance plan for the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS in the Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Newport News, Virginia Area).

88 FR 57018

SIP Proposal: Missouri (revisions related to control of emissions from volatile organic liquid storage).

88 FR 56883

United States v. NCR Corp., No. 1:19-cv-01041 (W.D. Mich. Aug. 11, 2023). A proposed agreed modification to a consent decree governs how a settling CERCLA defendant will pay response costs and perform response work at the Allied Paper, Inc./Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund site in Michigan.

88 FR 56787

SIP Proposal: Missouri (requirements for emissions guidelines and compliance times for municipal solid waste landfills).

88 FR 56821

EPA proposed to enter into an administrative settlement agreement under CERCLA with Seven Seas Terminals, LLC, concerning removal action at the Mississippi Phosphates Corp. Superfund site.

88 FR 56471

FWS determined endangered species status for the magnificent ramshorn under the ESA, and designated approximately 739 acres in two ponds in Brunswick County, North Carolina, as critical habitat for the species.

88 FR 55991

FWS announced 90-day findings on petitions to add five species to the Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants under the ESA. 

88 FR 56042

FWS initiated five-year status reviews of 47 species in California, Nevada, and Oregon under the ESA.