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88 FR 69045

FWS revised the regulations for the nonessential experimental population of the black-footed ferret in Arizona.

88 FR 69074

FWS determined endangered species status for the Lassics lupine under the ESA, and designated approximately 512 acres in Humboldt and Trinity Counties, California, as critical habitat for the species.

88 FR 69294

FERC amended the Uniform System of Accounts for public utilities and licensees to create new accounts for wind, solar, and other renewable generating assets; create a new functional class for energy storage accounts; codify the accounting treatment of environmental credits; and create new accounts within existing functions for computer hardware, software, and communication equipment.

88 FR 69178

EPA announced its intent to approve revisions to Texas' Public Water System Supervision program.

88 FR 68529

SIP Proposal: New York (updates to existing emission statement program for stationary sources).

88 FR 68532

SIP Proposal: Colorado (stay of limited disapproval of specific provisions intended to meet reasonably available control technology requirements until June 1, 2024).

88 FR 68469

SIP Approval: Missouri (control of emissions from volatile organic liquid storage).

88 FR 68471

SIP Approval: Kentucky (redesignation to attainment and maintenance plan for the Northern Kentucky portion of the Cincinnati, Ohio-Kentucky 2015 eight-hour ozone nonattainment area).

88 FR 68465

SIP Approval: South Carolina (updates to PSD and nonattainment new source review regulations pertaining to project emissions accounting provisions).

88 FR 68672

United States v. Waco Oil & Gas Co., Inc., No. 23-cv-00078 (N.D.W. Va. Sept. 28, 2023). Under a proposed consent decree, a settling CWA defendant that discharged pollutants without a permit into waters of the United States must restore impacted areas, perform mitigation, and pay a civil penalty.