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88 FR 73549

The Federal Trade Commission seeks comment on the overall costs, benefits, necessity, and regulatory and economic impact of its labeling requirements for alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles.

88 FR 73379

United States v. Cleveland-Cliffs Steel Corp., No. 15-cv-11804 (E.D. Mich. Oct. 19, 2023). A proposed modification to a consent decree requires a settling CAA defendant to replace, routinely test, and monitor the electrostatic precipitator at its steel manufacturing plant in Dearborn, Michigan; pay an $80,000 penalty to Michigan; and perform a state supplemental environmental project that consists of providing air purifiers to area residences near the plant.

88 FR 73098

EPA issued regulations to implement certain provisions of the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act; the rulemaking restricts the use of hydrofluorocarbons in specific sectors or subsectors in which they are used, establishes a process for submitting technology transitions petitions, establishes recordkeeping and reporting requirements, and addresses certain other elements related to the effective implementation of the Act. 

88 FR 72686

SIP Approval: Arkansas (revisions addressing excess emissions during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction events). 

88 FR 72688

SIP Disapproval: Delaware (revisions addressing excess emissions during startup, shutdown, and malfunction events). 

88 FR 72723

EPA proposed to approve Arkansas’ CAA §111(d) state plan revision for existing kraft pulp mills, accept the negative declaration for existing sulfuric acid plants and withdraw approval of the Arkansas state plan for existing sulfuric acid plants, and amend the agency regulations in accordance with CAA requirements.

88 FR 72691

EPA updated a portion of the outer continental shelf (OCS) air regulations that pertains to requirements for OCS sources for which Virginia is the designated corresponding onshore area.

88 FR 72826

EPA proposed revisions to the Guideline on Air Quality Models, including enhancements to the formulation and application of the Agency's near-field dispersion modeling system, AERMOD, and updates to the recommendations for development of appropriate background concentration for cumulative impact analyses, and announced the Thirteenth Conference on Air Quality Modeling, which will focus on these proposed revisions.

88 FR 72476

EPA entered into a proposed consent decree under the CWA in Arizona Mining Reform Coalition v. Guzman (D. Ariz.) that would obligate EPA to establish copper and lead TMDLs for Queen Creek, Arizona, by July 31, 2028, unless the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality first establishes and submits them to EPA by January 31, 2027.

88 FR 72478

EPA entered into a proposed consent decree under the CAA in California Communities Against Toxics v. Regan, No. 1:22-cv-1457 (D.D.C.), that would establish deadlines for the EPA Administrator to sign a notice of proposed rulemaking and a final rule regarding NESHAPs for chemical manufacturing area sources.