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88 FR 76219

The Department of Health and Human Services proposed to revise its floodplain management procedures to include climate science if an action takes place in a floodplain. 

88 FR 76137

SIP Approval: Florida (revisions to multiple stationary source rules). 

88 FR 76139

SIP Approval: California (revisions concerning vehicle miles traveled offset demonstrations for the Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin, Riverside County, Los Angeles-San Bernadino Counties, and San Joaquin Valley nonattainment areas for the 2015 ozone NAAQS). 

88 FR 76212

EPA designated one new equivalent method for measuring concentrations of lead, and one new equivalent method for measuring concentrations of particulate matter (PM10) in ambient air. 

88 FR 75530

The Forest Service proposed to amend its special use regulations, which prohibit authorizing exclusive and perpetual use and occupancy of National Forest System lands, to provide an exemption for carbon capture and storage. 

88 FR 75506

In order to comply with a district court order, FWS reinstated regulatory protections under the ESA for the gray wolf in all or portions of the 45 U.S. states and Mexico, where the species was listed at the time the delisting rule was issued. 

88 FR 75500

SIP Approval: North Carolina (modifications to emission control standards through amendments to several air quality rules and removal of a redundant rule for electric utility boilers). 

88 FR 75281

EPA proposed to enter into an administrative settlement agreement under CERCLA with Cone Mills Acquisition Group, LLC, concerning remedial action/remedial design to be performed at the U.S. Finishing, LLC and Cone Mills Corporation Superfund Site. 

88 FR 75330

United States v. Revere, Massachusetts, City of, No. 1:10-cv-11460 (D. Mass. Oct. 25, 2023). Under a proposed first modification to a consent decree, a settling CWA defendant must update portions of its Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan and Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan by December 31, 2026. 

88 FR 75246

SIP Proposal: California (revisions concerning emissions of volatile organic compounds from vapor recovery systems of gasoline cargo tanks).