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88 FR 80222

EPA solicited information pertaining to and seeks comments to assist in the potential development of regulations to reinstate the reporting of animal waste air emissions at farms under EPCRA. 

88 FR 80298

EPA adopted a Bureau of Indian Affairs’ categorical exclusion for waste management activities involving remediation of hazardous waste sites under NEPA for use by EPA’s Contaminated Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Lands Assistance Program. 

88 FR 78747

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on a draft policy that updates the Agency’s 2003 Public Involvement Policy.

88 FR 78681

DOE proposed to amend its implementing procedures governing compliance with NEPA, by adding a categorical exclusion for certain energy storage systems and revising categorical exclusions for upgrading and rebuilding transmission lines and for solar photovoltaic systems, as well as making conforming changes to related sections of the Department’s NEPA regulations.

88 FR 78232

SIP Approval: Kentucky (update to materials incorporated by reference).

88 FR 78692

EPA proposed amendments to the NESHAP for Rubber Tire Manufacturing, specifically the rubber processing subcategory.

88 FR 78358

EPA announced a 60-day public comment period on the draft revision of the Technical Guidance for Assessing Environmental Justice in Regulatory Analysis.

88 FR 78357

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on a white paper describing the benefits of the creation, submission, review, approval, and distribution of structured content and digital pesticide labels.

88 FR 77941

EPA announced the availability of new information and data pertaining to the Agency’s May 18, 2023, proposed rulemaking on the Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) From Electric Utilities; Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments.