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89 FR 9813

SIP Proposal: California (rules addressing nonattainment fees in the Feather River Air Quality Management District). 

89 FR 9771

SIP Approval: Connecticut (revised definition of severe nonattainment area for ozone). 

89 FR 8999

SIP Approval: California (revisions concerning emissions of volatile organic compounds from vapor recovery systems of gasoline cargo tanks). 

89 FR 8996

SIP Approval: Georgia (updates to vehicle inspection and maintenance requirements). 

89 FR 9088

EPA proposed revisions to previously proposed amendments to NESHAPs for Lime Manufacturing Plants; the revisions would alter the proposed emission limits for hydrogen chloride, mercury, organic hazardous air pollutants, and dioxins/furans. 

89 FR 8621

EPA proposed to authorize changes to South Dakota's hazardous waste management program under RCRA.

89 FR 8598

EPA proposed to amend the definition of hazardous waste applicable to corrective action to address releases from solid waste management units at RCRA-permitted treatment, storage, and disposal facilities and make related conforming amendments. 

89 FR 8606

EPA proposed to add nine specific per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), their salts, and their structural isomers to its list of hazardous constituents under RCRA. 

89 FR 8540

EPA approved changes to South Dakota’s hazardous waste management program under RCRA. 

89 FR 8629

FWS announced a 90-day finding on a petition to list the Kings River pyrg as endangered or threatened under the ESA, finding that the petitioned action may be warranted and initiating a status review.