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87 FR 43464

EPA proposed to approve the Washington State Department of Health's request for full delegation of authority to implement and enforce the NESHAP for radionuclide air emissions.

87 FR 43412

EPA approved the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality's request for delegation of authority to implement and enforce certain NESHAPs for sources located in certain areas of Indian country.

87 FR 43247

NMFS seeks comment on draft revisions to a procedural directive concerning the process for distinguishing serious from non-serious injury of marine mammals under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. 

87 FR 43058

United States v. PCS Nitrogen Fertilizer, L.P., No. 3:22-cv-00468-SDD-RLB (M.D. La. July 13, 2022). A settling RCRA defendant that deposited large piles of phosphogypsum, a byproduct of manufacturing phosphate and nitrogen fertilizer products, at a former phosphoric acid fertilizer facility in Geismar, Louisiana, must implement compliance projects at the facility; make RCRA hazardous waste determinations and properly manage all solid waste generated; construct a wastewater treatment plant and properly segregate stormwater and wastewater; comply with specified requirements for the ongoing closure and long-term care of the facility; provide over $84 million of financial assurance to cover the costs of such obligations; and pay a civil penalty of $1,510,023.

87 FR 42721

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA that requires the settling party to pay $355,000 to cover past response costs in connection with the Crest Rubber Superfund site in Alliance, Ohio.

87 FR 42721

EPA added certain water quality limited waters to the 2018 New York list of impaired waters under the CWA. 

87 FR 42651

EPA updated the list of chemicals subject to toxic chemical release reporting under EPCRA and the Pollution Prevention Act to include five per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. 

87 FR 42459

EPA announced the availability of data on the administration of the assurance provisions of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule trading programs for the control periods in 2021 in connection with exceedance of Missouri's assurance level for nitrogen oxides emissions by certain units. 

87 FR 42424

SIP Proposal: Mississippi (partial approval of infrastructure requirements for the 2015 eight-hour ozone NAAQS). 

87 FR 42422

SIP Proposal: California (nitrogen oxide emissions from Portland cement kilns in the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District).