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87 FR 49614

United States v. Metalworking Lubricants Co., No. 22-1560 (S.D. Ind. Aug. 5, 2022).  A settling CAA defendant that emitted more than 24 tons per year of organic hazardous air pollutants from a used oil processing facility located in Indianapolis, Indiana, must install, maintain, operate, and continuously monitor a carbon adsorption system to control organic emissions from its oil and wastewater processing tanks; install new tanks, oil-water separators, piping and/or ductwork; make repairs to existing tanks, oil-water separators, piping and/or ductwork to ensure all existing, new, and replacement oil processing tanks and oil-water separators are covered by fixed roofs and vented directly through a closed-vent system; and pay a $310,000 civil penalty.

87 FR 49528

SIP Approval: Kentucky (excess emissions during startup, shutdown, and malfunction events).

87 FR 49570

SIP Proposal: New York (control measures for architectural and industrial maintenance coatings to reduce volatile organic compound emissions).

87 FR 49524

SIP Approval: North Carolina (removal of Lee, Onslow, and Rockingham Counties from motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program).

87 FR 49530

SIP Approval: Missouri (partial approval and partial disapproval of updates to construction permit requirement regulations for stationary and portable air sources).

87 FR 49526

SIP Approval: New Hampshire (requirements for open burning, fugitive dust, and firefighter instruction and training activities).

87 FR 48694

United States v. Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, No. 4:07-CV-01120 (E.D. Mo. Aug. 5, 2022). A proposed amendment to a 2012 consent decree allows settling CWA defendants to replace two combined sewer overflow (CSO) storage tunnels with one larger CSO storage tunnel to accommodate overflows from all of the outfalls related to the original two CSO storage tunnels.

87 FR 48659

EPA announced a proposed settlement in a CWA lawsuit alleging that the Agency failed to prepare and publish proposed water quality standards for mercury pollution to protect aquatic life following its disapproval of Idaho's related water quality standard revisions in 2008; the settlement requires the Agency to publish proposed aquatic life mercury criteria for Idaho within 18 months. 

87 FR 48603

EPA amended the Code of Federal Regulations to reflect a 2015 court decision regarding the NESHAP for stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines and new source performance standards for stationary internal combustion engines.

87 FR 48478

EPA announced a public meeting of the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council to discuss Agency administration priorities, recommendations on the 2021 PFAS Strategic Roadmap, and recommendations on community air quality monitoring.