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87 FR 50260

SIP Approval: Missouri (rescission of Missouri General Conformity Rule).

87 FR 50280

SIP Proposal: Wisconsin (incorporation of 2015 primary and secondary ozone NAAQS and updates to ensure implementation of the ozone NAAQS in areas currently or formerly designated as nonattainment for any ozone standard).

87 FR 50334

EPA announced a proposed administrative settlement agreement under CERCLA concerning the Bautsch Gray Mine Superfund site in Jo Daviess County, Illinois, that reflects the potentially responsible party's inability to pay a cash dollar amount and requires the party to comply with specified property requirements.

87 FR 50261

SIP Approval: Indiana, Michigan, and Minnesota (startup, shutdown, and malfunction event provisions).

87 FR 50269

EPA approved a CAA §111(d) state plan submitted by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection establishing performance standards and other operating requirements for existing municipal solid waste landfills and providing for the implementation and enforcement of those standards and requirements.

87 FR 50263

SIP Approval: Oklahoma (revisions to general SIP definitions and incorporation by reference of federal requirements under Oklahoma Administrative Code). 

87 FR 50030

SIP Proposal: California (determination of attainment by the attainment date for the Imperial County 2015 ozone nonattainment area, but for emissions emanating from outside the United States).

87 FR 49997

SIP Approval: Arizona (maintenance plan and redesignation to attainment for the Nogales 2006 24-hour fine particulate matter planning area).  

87 FR 50028

SIP Proposal: North Carolina (revisions to emission control standards regulations).

87 FR 49828

EPA proposed to determine that the reduction in expenditures of recurrent nonfederal funds for the Hawaii Department of Health in support of its continuing air program under §105 of the CAA for fiscal year 2022 is a result of non-selective reductions in expenditures.