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87 FR 51016

SIP Proposal: New Jersey (regional haze plan revision).

87 FR 50952

EPA announced its approval of a request by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control to change its delegations mechanism from “adopt-by-reference” to ‘‘automatic’’ for delegation of new source performance standards under Agency regulations.

87 FR 50804

FWS proposed to list the magnificent ramshorn as an endangered species under the ESA and designate approximately 739 acres of two ponds in Brunswick County, North Carolina, as critical habitat.

87 FR 50778

SIP Approval: Pennsylvania (partial approval and partial disapproval of 2020 revision to attainment plan for the Indiana, Pennsylvania, 2010 sulfur dioxide nonattainment area).

87 FR 50575

EPA announced its approval of seven alternative testing methods for use in measuring the levels of contaminants in drinking water to determine compliance with national primary drinking water regulations under the SDWA.

87 FR 50594

SIP Proposal: Indiana (temporary alternative opacity limitations for the BP Products North America, Inc. facility in Whiting, Indiana, during startup and shutdown).

87 FR 50593

SIP Proposal: West Virginia (incorporation of NAAQS and associated monitoring reference and equivalent methods).

87 FR 50351

United States v. The Sherwin-Williams Co., No. 1:19-cv-01907-JHR-EAP (D.N.J. Aug. 9, 2022).  A proposed second modification to a consent decree under CERCLA provides for defendant's performance of the remedy for selected water bodies at the Sherwin-Williams/Hilliards Creek Site in Gibbsboro and Voorhees, New Jersey, in accordance with the terms of the decree and the statement of work attached to the second modification.

87 FR 50257

SIP Approval: Pennsylvania (disapproval of certain reasonably available control technology provisions for the 1997 and 2008 ozone NAAQS).

87 FR 50267

SIP Approval: Missouri (construction permit exemptions).