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87 FR 51667

EPA announced its approval of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality's request to revise or modify certain of its Agency-authorized programs to allow electronic reporting.

87 FR 51635

FWS announced 90-day findings on two petitions to add species and one petition to remove a species from the lists of endangered and threatened wildlife and plants under the ESA; the agency found that the petitions to delist the southern sea otter and list the Fish Lake Valley tui chub were warranted, and the petitions to list the Pryor Mountain mustang population and revise the critical habitat designation for the Sonora chub were not warranted. 

87 FR 51259

SIP Approval: California (removal of rules containing improper affirmative defenses for excess emissions during startup, shutdown, and malfunction events for the Eastern Kern County and Imperial County Air Pollution Control Districts).

87 FR 51300

SIP Proposal: California (limited approval and limited disapproval of two revised rules and approval of a rule rescission in connection with emissions of volatile organic compounds from marine and pleasure craft coating operations and the coating of metals for the South Coast Air Quality Management District).

87 FR 51413

EPA announced its approval of Hawaii's state primacy program revisions adopting regulations that effectuate the federal Phase II/V Chemical Contaminant Rules and the Arsenic Rule.

87 FR 51262

SIP Approval: Oregon (maintenance plan and redesignation to attainment for the Oakridge 2006 24-hour fine particulate matter nonattainment area).

87 FR 51265

SIP Approval: Oregon (maintenance plan and redesignation to attainment for the Oakridge 1987 particulate matter nonattainment area).

87 FR 50945

SIP Approval: Pennsylvania (source-specific reasonably available control technology determinations for sources at six major nitrogen oxide and volatile organic compound emitting facilities).

87 FR 51041

SIP Proposal: New Mexico (updates to nonattainment new source review permitting program for the 2015 eight-hour ozone NAAQS).

87 FR 51006

SIP Proposal: Maryland (determination of attainment for Anne Arundel and Baltimore Counties sulfur dioxide nonattainment areas under the 2010 primary sulfur dioxide NAAQS).