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87 FR 54898

SIP Approval: Utah (revisions to the Utah Division of Administrative Rules).

87 FR 55200

NMFS proposed to list the queen conch as a threatened species under the ESA.

87 FR 54688

EPA Region 10 proposed to reissue the NPDES general permit for federal aquaculture facilities and aquaculture facilities located in Indian country in Washington.

87 FR 54414

EPA proposed to authorize changes to Florida’s hazardous waste management program under RCRA.

87 FR 54398

EPA took direct final action on the authorization of Florida’s changes to its hazardous waste program under RCRA.

87 FR 54491

EPA announced the availability of the final revision to the risk determination for the Colour Index Pigment Violet 29 risk evaluation issued under TSCA.

87 FR 54415

EPA proposed to designate perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, including their salts and structural isomers, as hazardous substances under CERCLA.

87 FR 54158

EPA finalized an optional alternative renewable identification number retirement schedule for small refineries under the Renewable Fuel Standard program for the 2020 compliance year.

87 FR 53703

SIP Proposal: Missouri (incorporation of additional sulfur dioxide emissions limit for the Ameren Missouri Sioux Energy Center).

87 FR 53429

FWS proposed to introduce the Guam kingfisher on Palmyra Atoll as an experimental population under the ESA.