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87 FR 56849

The president issued Executive Order No. 14081, Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy; among other things, the order directs federal agencies to submit reports on biotechnology and biomanufacturing to further societal goals related to health, climate change and energy, food and agricultural innovation, resilient supply chains, and cross-cutting scientific advances.

87 FR 56983

United States v. American Iron & Metal Co., No. 22-7800 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 13, 2022). A proposed consent decree requires settling CERCLA defendants to pay $437,255 in reimbursement of the United States’ past response costs regarding the Port Refinery Superfund site in the Village of Rye Brook, New York.

87 FR 56944

EPA announced a proposed administrative settlement agreement under CERCLA concerning the AB Specialty Silicones Fire site in Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, that requires respondents to pay $266,000 for past response costs.

87 FR 56891

SIP Approval: Texas (revisions to the 2011 base-year emissions inventory for the Dallas-Fort Worth serious ozone nonattainment area for the 2008 ozone NAAQS).

87 FR 56893

SIP Approval: New York (control measures for consumer products).

87 FR 56633

NOAA and EPA seek comment on the draft Report on Microfiber Pollution, completed in accordance with the Save Our Seas 2.0 Act of 2020.

87 FR 56354

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement proposed to revise existing regulations for well control and blowout preventer systems that pertain to oil, gas, and sulfur operations in the outer continental shelf to clarify blowout preventer system requirements and to modify certain specific blowout preventer equipment capability requirements.

87 FR 56445

United States v. New Hampshire, No. 1:18-cv-00996-PB (D.N.H. Sept. 7, 2022).  Settling CWA defendants, in connection with discharges of pollutants from the Powder Mill State Fish Hatchery, in New Durham, New Hampshire, must implement measures to bring the hatchery into compliance, including constructing and operating new wastewater treatment systems, upgrading other aspects of the hatchery's facilities and operations, and implementing best management practices related to flow, pH, and phosphorus.

87 FR 56277

EPA finalized an update to the requirements for outer continental shelf sources for which New York is the corresponding onshore area under the CAA.

87 FR 56381

FWS proposed to list the tricolored bat as an endangered species under the ESA.