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87 FR 57612

EPA announced that in October 2021 the Agency's Region 1 acting administrator signed a memorandum of agreement between the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and EPA Region 1 regarding existing affected sources subject to CAA §111(d) and/or §129 plan requirements.

87 FR 57695

EPA announced the availability of data on the administration of the assurance provisions of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule trading programs for the control periods in 2021.

87 FR 57609

SIP Approval: Pennsylvania (source-specific reasonably available control technology determinations for certain volatile organic compound sources at PPG Industries Springdale Plant in Allegheny County).

87 FR 57432

EPA proposed to update the incorporation by reference of two voluntary consensus standards in the formaldehyde standards for composite wood products regulations.

87 FR 57493

EPA approved revisions to Arizona's state primacy program adopting regulations that effectuate the federal Filter Backwash Recycling Rule, Ground Water Rule, and Radionuclides Rule.

87 FR 57429

SIP Proposal: New York (control measures for sources of particulate matter).

87 FR 57400

SIP Approval: Pennsylvania (source-specific reasonably available control technology determinations for certain volatile organic compound sources at Hydro Carbide Tool Company in Westmoreland County).

87 FR 57179

NOAA announced that the Draft Strategic Plan for Federal Research and Monitoring of Ocean Acidification is available for public comment.

87 FR 57161

SIP Proposal: California (emissions of volatile organic compounds from architectural coating operations in the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District and the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District).

87 FR 56861

The president issued Executive Order No. 14082, Implementation of the Energy and Infrastructure Provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022; among other things, the order established the White House Office on Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation, which will coordinate the policymaking process with respect to implementing the energy and infrastructure provisions of the Act and other essential initiatives.