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87 FR 60494

SIP Proposal: California (disapproval of certain serious area planning requirements for the 2012 annual fine particulate matter NAAQS for the San Joaquin Valley, and disapproval of optional precursor demonstration for ammonia).

87 FR 60273

SIP Approval: Louisiana (failure to attain the primary 2010 one-hour sulfur dioxide (SO2) NAAQS for the St. Bernard Parish SO2 nonattainment area).

87 FR 60292

SIP Approval: Louisiana (removal of provisions concerning excess emissions during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction).

87 FR 60228

The Office of Science and Technology Policy and CEQ seek input on the development of a U.S. Ocean Climate Action Plan that will help guide and coordinate actions by the federal government and civil society to address ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes-based mitigation and adaptation solutions to climate change.

87 FR 60199

United States v. Union Electric Co. d/b/a Ameren Missouri, No. 22-cv-1038 (E.D. Mo. Sept. 28, 2022). Settling CERCLA defendants must perform response actions at the Findett/Hayford Bridge Road Groundwater Superfund Site pursuant to the June 30, 2021, Record of Decision, and pay oversight costs.

87 FR 60109

The Board for International Food and Agricultural Development sees public input in response to emergent findings on solutions for systemic climate change adaptation and mitigation and scaling climate finance in agricultural, nutrition, and food systems ahead of Transformative Pathways Toward a Climate Resilient Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition System: A Public Consultation Ahead of the 27th Conference of Parties.

87 FR 60102

SIP Approval: Delaware (volatile organic compound emissions from cold solvent cleaning operations).

87 FR 59869

FERC proposed reforms to the Uniform System of Accounts for public utilities and licensees that include new accounts for wind, solar, and other non-hydro renewable assets; creating a new functional class for energy storage accounts; codifying the accounting treatment of renewable energy credits; and creating new accounts within existing functions for hardware, software, and communication equipment.

87 FR 59695

SIP Approval: New York (revisions to control measures for architectural and industrial maintenance coatings).

87 FR 59699

EPA authorized Maine's revisions to its hazardous waste management program under RCRA.