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87 FR 62322

EPA proposed to repeal regulatory amendments promulgated through a final rule adopted in 2008 under the CAA that addressed the consideration of “fugitive” emissions of air pollutants from stationary sources when determining the applicability of certain permitting requirements under the Act.

87 FR 62337

SIP Proposal: California (revisions regarding particulate matter and nitrogen oxides emissions from public transit buses).

87 FR 62564

FWS proposed to designate as critical habitat approximately 179,680 acres for Everglades bully; 177,879 acres for Florida pineland crabgrass; 8,867 acres for pineland sandmat; and 179,300 acres for Florida prairie-clover in Monroe, Collier, and Miami-Dade Counties, Florida, under the ESA.

87 FR 62501

FWS proposed to designate as critical habitat approximately 1,462 acres for Big Pine partridge pea and approximately 1,379 acres for wedge spurge, in Monroe County, Florida, and approximately 5,090 acres for sand flax and 16,635 acres for Blodgett’s silverbush in Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, Florida, under the ESA.

87 FR 62614

FWS proposed to list the Key ring-necked snake and the rim rock crowned snake as endangered species under the ESA, and to designate as critical habitat approximately 2,604 acres in Monroe County, Florida, for the Key ring-necked snake and approximately 5,972 acres in Miami-Dade County and Monroe County, Florida, for the rim rock crowned snake.

87 FR 62114

FWS announced the availability of and seeks comment on documents associated with an application by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks to amend the existing programmatic safe harbor agreement and candidate conservation agreement with assurances for 14 aquatic species in Kansas by adding one additional covered species, the western fanshell.

87 FR 62098

EPA approved the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality's request to revise or modify certain of its Agency-authorized programs to allow electronic reporting.

87 FR 62034

SIP Approval: South Carolina (revisions regarding excess emissions during startup, shutdown, and malfunction events).

87 FR 61555

SIP Proposal: Delaware (removal of provisions related to excess emissions during startup, shutdown, and malfunction events).

87 FR 61514

EPA promulgated a federal implementation plan for attaining the 2010 sulfur dioxide (SO2) primary NAAQS for the Detroit SO2 nonattainment area.