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87 FR 67922

The U.S. Coast Guard announced the availability of a draft guidance document intended to establish a new, nationally consistent architecture for coastal zone area contingency plans.

87 FR 67899

EPA entered into a proposed consent decree under the CWA and the APA in Environmental Law & Policy Center v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, No. 3:19-cv-295 (N.D. Ohio), that would create a binding schedule for the development of a TMDL to address nutrient and algae impairments in western Lake Erie.

87 FR 67895

EPA Region 8 proposed an amendment to a prospective purchaser agreement originally agreed to in 1994 for the Anaconda Smelter Superfund site in Anaconda-Deer Lodge County, Montana, that would provide for the implementation of updated institutional controls and updated operations and maintenance plans.

87 FR 67789

SIP Approval: West Virginia (updates to incorporation by reference of NAAQS and associated monitoring reference and equivalent methods).

87 FR 67791

EPA finalized the technology review conducted for the paint stripping and miscellaneous surface coating operations area source NESHAP.

87 FR 67873

NOAA, on behalf of the U.S. Global Change Research Program, announced the availability of a draft Fifth National Climate Assessment report for public comment.

87 FR 67558

EPA approved updates to the Code of Federal Regulations delegation tables to reflect the current delegation status of new source performance standards and NESHAPs in Arizona and California.

87 FR 67617

SIP Proposal: Colorado (revisions related to attainment of the 2008 eight-hour ozone NAAQS for the Denver Metro/North Front Range serious nonattainment area).

87 FR 67500

United States v. Lakewood, Ohio, City of, No. 1:22-cv-01964 (N.D. Ohio Oct. 31, 2022).  An interim partial consent decree requires a settling CWA defendant to undertake several projects to greatly reduce discharges of untreated sanitary sewage into Lake Erie and the Rocky River; submit an updated plan to reduce discharges of sanitary sewage in the remainder of defendant’s sewer system; implement its updated plan through a subsequent, enforceable agreement; and pay a $100,000 civil penalty.

87 FR 67451

NMFS announced a 90-day finding on a petition to list the great hammerhead shark and designate critical habitat, finding that the petition did not present substantial information indicating that it may be warranted.