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87 FR 68647

EPA proposed modifications to a proposed rule issued on January 11, 2021, that proposed updates and adjustments to the 2018 Fee Rule established under TSCA.

87 FR 68386

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed to revise its natural disaster procedures to incorporate advances in risk-informed decisionmaking approaches and disaster response lessons learned, as well as recent amendments to the Flood Control Act of 1941.

87 FR 68483

EPA approved and announced the availability of the latest version of the California EMFAC (short for EMission FACtor) model for use in SIP development and transportation conformity in California.

87 FR 68413

SIP Proposal: Texas (revisions pertaining to particulate matter standards and outdoor burning regulations).

87 FR 68381

FWS amended the List of Endangered and Threatened Plants by removing Johnson’s seagrass, and amended the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife by updating the entries for the Arctic subspecies of the ringed seal and the Beringia distinct population segment of the Pacific bearded seal subspecies to reflect the final designation of critical habitat for this subspecies and distinct population segment, respectively.

87 FR 68364

SIP Withdrawal: Michigan (withdrawal of direct final rule approving revisions to Michigan Air Pollution Control Rules Part 1, Definitions, and Part 2, Air Use Approval, and removal of rules that are part of Michigan’s Title V Renewable Operating Permit program).

87 FR 68415

SIP Proposal: New Hampshire (reasonably available control technology requirements for the Fujifilm Dimatix Inc. facility in Lebanon).

87 FR 68364

EPA updated the requirements for outer continental shelf sources for which Massachusetts is the corresponding onshore area under the CAA.

87 FR 68410

SIP Proposal: California (revisions concerning volatile organic compound emissions from architectural coating operations in the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District).

87 FR 68151

EPA announced a 30-day public comment period associated with release of the Integrated Risk Information System Assessment Plan and Systematic Review Protocol for inhalation exposure to cobalt and compounds.