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87 FR 73994

FWS reclassified the plant Eugenia woodburyana from an endangered species to a threatened species under the ESA, due to improvements in the species’ status since its original listing in 1994, and finalized a rule issued under §4(d) of the Act to provide measures that are necessary and advisable for the conservation of the species.

87 FR 73706

SIP Proposal: Wisconsin (revisions to definition of “chemical process plants” under state PSD program).

87 FR 73722

FWS proposed to remove island bedstraw and Santa Cruz Island dudleya from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants on the basis of recovery.

87 FR 73655

FWS determined threatened species status for the Puerto Rican harlequin butterfly under the ESA and designated approximately 41,266 acres in six units in the municipalities of Arecibo, Camuy, Ciales, Florida, Isabela, Maricao, Quebradillas, Sabana Grande, San Germán, Utuado, and Yauco as critical habitat.

87 FR 73708

EPA proposed amendments to the standards of performance for secondary lead smelters that would revise the definitions of blast furnace, reverberatory furnace, and pot furnace to more closely align with the equipment definitions used in the NESHAP for secondary lead smelting; add requirements for periodic performance tests for particulate matter; and incorporate revised monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements, including electronic reporting of performance tests.

87 FR 73557

EPA Region 9 revised its delegation agreements with the Maricopa County Air Quality Department and Pima County Department of Environmental Quality for implementation of the federal CAA PSD permitting program, authorizing the agencies to continue to conduct PSD review for proposed new and modified major stationary sources, issue initial federal PSD permits, and revise existing federal PSD permits, subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable delegation agreement.

87 FR 73488

FWS reclassified the northern long-eared bat as an endangered specifies under the ESA, and removed its species-specific rule issued under §4(d) of the Act.

87 FR 73475

EPA added 12 chemicals to the list of toxic chemicals subject to the reporting requirements under EPCRA and the Pollution Prevention Act.

87 FR 73588

BLM proposed new regulations to reduce the waste of natural gas from venting, flaring, and leaks during oil and gas production activities on federal and Indian leases.

87 FR 73311

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services announced the opening of a docket to obtain comments and suggestions to update the CDC Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health and associated resources.