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76 FR 9642

OSM approved an amendment to Alabama's regulatory program under SMCRA concerning licensing.

76 FR 6561

EPA approved revisions to North Carolina's hazardous waste management program.

76 FR 6559

SIP Approval: Pennsylvania (conformity, contingency, and control measures for the Pennsylvania portion of the Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City moderate 1997 eight-hour ozone nonattainment area)

76 FR 9650

SIP Approval: Maryland (definition of "fuel-burning equipment")

76 FR 9658

SIP Approval: Kansas (PSD permit requirements)

76 FR 9655

SIP Approval: Illinois (waiver of nitrogen oxide reasonably available control technology requirements)

76 FR 9652

SIP Approval: District of Columbia (update of materials available for public inspection)

75 FR 6331

SIP Approval: Colorado (partial approval of Regulation 3 revisions)

76 FR 10761

EPA delegated authority to Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska to implement and enforce NESHAPs and new source performance and maximum achievable control technology standards.