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88 FR 4118

SIP Proposal: Iowa (revisions requiring electronic submittal of air emissions reporting, construction permit applications, and Title V permit applications).

88 FR 4120

EPA proposed to grant an exclusion from the list of hazardous wastes to ExxonMobil Baytown Refinery located in Baytown, Texas, to exclude up to 730 cubic yards per year of sludges removed from the wastewater treatment plant from the list of federal hazardous wastes when disposed of in a Subtitle D Landfill under RCRA.

88 FR 3945

EPA proposed to grant an exclusion from the list of hazardous wastes to ExxonMobil Baytown Refinery located in Baytown, Texas, to exclude up to 2,409 cubic yards per year of API separator sludge from the list of federal hazardous wastes when disposed of in a Subtitle D Landfill under RCRA.

88 FR 3729

The Army Corps of Engineers seeks comment on any provisions in the Water Resources Development Act of 2022.

88 FR 3408

EPA announced the broadly applicable alternative test method approval decisions made under and in support of New Source Performance Standards and NESHAPs between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022.

88 FR 3439

United States v. Formosa Plastics Corp., Texas, No. 09-00061 (S.D. Tex. Jan. 11, 2023). A proposed second amendment to a consent decree requires settling RCRA defendants to cease treating the recovered groundwater on site, and instead send the recovered wastewater off site to a RCRA permitted hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facility, and clean the wastewater treatment system to eliminate hazardous waste residue.

88 FR 3406

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on a draft white paper entitled “Availability of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP),” developed pursuant to the Federal, Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, which requires the Agency to develop a screening program, to determine whether certain substances may have an effect in humans that is similar to an effect produced by a naturally occurring estrogen, or other endocrine effects.

88 FR 3373

The Office of Restoration and Damage Assessment seeks comments and suggestions from state, tribal, and federal natural resource co-trustees, other affected parties, and the interested public on revising the simplified Type A procedures in the regulations for conducting natural resource damage assessments and restoration for hazardous substance releases.

88 FR 3433

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced and seeks comment on its intention to change its bid adequacy procedures, which ensure the United States receives fair market value from outer continental shelf oil and gas lease sales, by discontinuing the use of both tract classification and delayed valuation methodology and using a statistical lower bound confidence interval, at the 90 percent confidence level, as a measure of bid adequacy.

88 FR 2770

FERC proposed to revise its existing regulations governing applications for permits to site electric transmission facilities under §216 of the Federal Power Act, as amended by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021.